Facebook pushes retailers to speed up their mobile sites

Facebook Inc. is pushing online retailers and other advertisers to speed up their mobile websites by factoring how long it takes an advertiser’s linked-to mobile web page to load into its ad auction calculation as to which ad it presents to users.

How fast a mobile website loads is important, Facebook argues, citing a recent Aberdeen Group report that found up to 40% of website visitors abandon a site if it takes 3 seconds to load.
“Nobody wants to wait ages for a website to load,” Facebook writes in a blog post. “A better mobile experience helps businesses form a stronger connection with the people interested in them. Plus, site abandonment hurts business objectives, like completing a purchase or filling out a form. It can also bring challenges to measurement—people often abandon sites before third-party site analytics have time to register a page visit. This can make it harder to track and optimize ad performance.”

Facebook yesterday began prefetching, or preloading, mobile ad content in the Facebook in-app browser even before a consumer taps a link. The technology could speed up a mobile site’s load time by 29%, Facebook says, which decreases the risk of a consumer abandoning a site.

Facebook’s move is in line with Google’s recently including mobile page load times into its search algorithm that determines search result rankings. 

Courtesy of InternetRetailer


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